BUYING A BIKE: A Beginner’s Guide Zine Release Party
Saturday, March 4, 12-4pm
Seward Co-Op Friendship Store (317 E 38th St, Minneapolis)
Free, everyone welcome
Please join us for an afternoon of zines and community!
- Pick up your zine pre-order
- Buy a zine if you missed the pre-order (other GR zines will be available!)
- Limited number of free copies for FTW
- Zine-making station
- Relaxed, casual vibe
COVID Precautions
Masks are REQUIRED. We are forgoing snacks and beverages in order to keep people masked up. Surgical masks and hand sanitizer will be provided. We will have air circulation. Please rapid test before attending, and STAY HOME if you feel sick or have had known contact with COVID.
The Space
Come through any entrance to the classroom that looks out onto 38th. The space is ADA accessible, but may be tight to navigate with a larger mobility device. There are gender-neutral bathrooms. Lots of bike parking on 38th.