Click here to place a pre-order.
Pre-order closes 1/31
*Prices are cheapest when you pre-order. You’ll be able to buy them after the pre-order closes, while supplies last.*
22 FTW artists and writers from diverse backgrounds collaborated on “BUYING A BIKE: A Beginner’s Guide” zine. This zine came to be after many group discussions about the anxieties of buying a bike, and from a commitment to support each other throughout the process. It was funded by Grease Rag donations, coordinated by YOLOW Zines, printed at a local, union print shop, and made possible by our generous contributors.
“What do FTW need to know about buying a bike?”
We asked this question of our community and heard back from a diverse spectrum of people who identify as Queer, Cis, Trans, Non-binary, Trans Masc, Autistic, Latinx, Jewish, Femme, Fat, Genderqueer, White, Cancer Survivor, Parent, Middle-Age, Asian, Bisexual, Genderqueer, and more.
We spent Grease Rag’s money to pay contributors for their art and to produce zines. Each 40 page zine costs $7 to print. It took approximately 80 hours to coordinate and lay out, and another 10 hours of printing, assembling, and mailing. We offer these at sliding scale prices to keep it more accessible. If you are FTW and would like a free copy, there is a space for you to request one! Consider pitching in a few bucks for shipping, or picking up in Powderhorn. Zines will be available 3/1. This form will close 11:59pm 1/31.
All proceeds go to Grease Rag to fund free copies of the zine, and additional programming.
Thank you to contributors A. Proudfoot, Addison, Adrianna Jereb, Anna Truong, Ash Hall, Ashleigh, Cristina, Dana Ringler, Fiona Avocado, Jack Warren, KJ Garner, Krista, L. Kling, Lee Penn, Marley Blonsky, Ninjarita, olive, Shadow Auri, Sophie Nikitas, Tavia P., Xena Goldman, Zan Wildwood.
After the pre-order closes, any extra copies will be available for online purchase here.
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