I have a messy desk, it’s true! I am sharing this photo of my desk with you to talk about a few ways I make my bike commute easier on myself.

My messy desk
The biggest thing that I do to make my commute easier is I take multiple outfits into work at a time. This means that I don’t have to carry clothes into work every day, freeing up some cargo room for groceries, or baked goods for my coworkers, or maybe I feel like commuting on my road bike and don’t want to carry a big bag full of clothing!
I always keep baselayers (Bike shorts and top in the summer, thin wool top and tights in the winter.), underwear/ bra, and socks at work. I do this so I will always have a dry pair of clothing to bike home in. Warm, dry baselayers are essential to survival and comfort!
I also keep a pair of “emergency pants” at work. For emergencies! Blow out the butt of your jeans on the way to work? Spill tomato soup on yourself right before a big meeting? Too breezy for the skirt you were planning to wear? Emergency pants to the rescue! All of the the other pants and skirts in this photo I bring in a few at a time and rotate them out.
For versatility, I keep a neutral gray cardigan that I can throw on over anything, and a big black sweater that keeps me warm and matches most things. The other tops I bring in a few at a time and rotate around.
I keep a few pairs of shoes under my desk. I don’t want to have to walk around in my clipless shoes or snow boots all day!
This photo shows some of my “cleaning supplies.” I could not live without a toothbrush at work!
My commute is 8 miles, and I always get sweaty. I don’t mind a little sweat, but I do prefer to change my clothes when I get to work, which is why I store some clothes in my office.
I have the added bonus of having a locker room and shower facilities where I work, although I only really use the shower during the really hot hot sweaty months, and those months where a hot shower literally thaws my blood and reanimates me. I don’t consider a shower at work a necessity, but it is a welcome luxury. If you need a shower at work and your employer doesn’t provide facilities, see if they will subsidize a gym or health club membership where you could shower up.
What do you do to make your bike commute work for you? What is keeping you from commuting to work by bike?