Check it out!
Grease Rag has put together a collection of zines (all FTW, mostly BIPOC creators) on the topic of bike touring. Due to the pandemic, we have had to limit our in-person touring workshops and trips. Hopefully this traveling zine library will keep you stoked on bike touring until we can do another trip together. In addition to reading these zines, visit the “Skill Share” section of this website for more inspiration and information.
Want to sign up to receive the traveling library? Head over to Facebook and join the library thread. Not interested in Facebook? Here’s a list of the zines in the library- build your own!
Grease Rag Zines
Purchase: picklewitch.org/merch-store
- Bike Camping: FOR US “BIPOC FTW Bike Camp Trip,” July 2018.
- Bike Camping: FOR US “BIPOC FTW BIke Camp Trip,” 2019.
- Knots and Rope and Stuff: “FTW Only Skillshare,” July 2018.
- UNREST: Biking Through A Pandemic & Global Uprising, 2020.
Other Zines
- An Introduction to Bike Touring, 2021. By Roxanne Robles. Purchase: feelsonwheels.net/shop
- Fix a Flat, 2020. By Ayesha McGowan, Sam Scipio. Download: aquickbrownfox.com/blog/2020/5/26/fix-a-flat-printable-zine
- RAR Bikepacking Essentials List, 2020. By Ami Puri, Sarah Swallow, Sam Scipio. Download: radicaladventureriders.com/resources
- Ride Outside Responsibly, 2021. By Cyclista Zine. Download: cyclistazine.com/zine-library
- Teo & Esther’s Camp Cooking Session, 2019. By Teo Ducot, Ester Song, Serena Rio. Download: radicaladventureriders.com/resources
The goal is to keep the library moving onto eager hands as long as it is needed and wanted. Creating resources for our community is something that Grease Rag invests in, and I’m happy to facilitate this traveling zine library.