I #lovemnwinter, today I love Tanksinwinter!
By Patrick Weber (he/him, they/them)
Patrick is back with a story of transition in the winter time.
Winter layers always meant something special to me. Each piece I would put on myself felt symbolic to what it means to survive not only in this chilly, frosty state, but also having to put on layers to protect myself from society. When I would cover myself head-to-toe, no one can tell who I am truly on the inside, and I liked having that mystery as I did not always know who I was in daily life.
Late this winter I began to shed layers as a new transition in my life began. With each clothing piece that is no longer needed to keep my body insulated, I show a bit of my true self on the inside. I am beginning to feel freedom, and able to begin to find my true self beneath past layers.
This piece was inspired by my body becoming a sauna during the negative degree week we had in January, as I had begun HRT for testosterone, and noticed body changes within the first month. Thank you Grease Rag community for helping me figure out how to relayer myself so I would not overheat, and for your support in my new life transition.