I #lovemnwinter, today I love memories!
By Patrick Weber (he/him, they/them)
Patrick is a 24/7 bicyclist with heart of neon glitter love of snacks. You can follow their bike adventures on Instagram @prince_of_glitter
2 Years Ago Today
- Digging my bike out through thick snow in my driveway… Walking my bike when the roads got too deep for my Raligeh commuter bike to plow through… Learning how to pizza cut when the roads were mediocre but I was still too stubborn to bus to work because it was my first winter bike season…
- Note to future self: buy bar mitts, get wool gloves and socks, invest in actual winter boots instead of using old hiking shoes #probsuffered #frostbike #ohyeah #livenlearn

1 Year Ago Today
- Never ending dark morning ride to work but biking provides me the most warmth and happiness I need to get through the temp gig in the burbs… Bus ride home provides interesting opinions on how people view winter bikers as I put my bike in the racks… One of the morning bus drivers recognizes my red Banjo Bros backpack, and says they are impress always by my strength when I ride in the morning…
- Bar mitts saved my hands from further damage… Wool socks have saved my toes… REI big boots saved me from further frostbite and helped me hike over snow hurdles on the sidewalk corners from the never ending snow winter we had…
- Still need better wool gloves as the wool mittens with fingerless option did not work out